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"Peter the Great Liberator" begins reign as the last King of Serbia on June 15, 1903

HM King Peter I of the Karageorgevich dynasty
Aleksandra's Note:
HM King Peter I of the Karageorgevich dynasty was elected the King of Serbia by the Serbian Parliament and Assembly on June 15, 1903. He was crowned king on September 21, 1904.
He would be the last King of Serbia, as Serbia would become part of the South Slav Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes formed immediately after World War One, on December 1, 1918, later to become the first Yugoslavia in 1929.
King Peter I would become the beloved leader
of the Serbian Army which would be victorious in both Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913 and the First World War. As a result, the title of Peter the Great Liberator was bestowed upon him.
He remains beloved to this day.
Aleksandra Rebic
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at heroesofserbia@yahoo.com

Sorry Minister, it was the Germans who started WWI / "Express" U.K. June 12, 2013

Express U.K.
By: Stephen Pollard
British troops during the First World War

You might well think that one of the more pointlessly obvious questions you've ever been asked.

The Nazis - the Germans - invaded Poland and, because they then failed to meet the ultimatum we had set them to withdraw, we were at war.

There is no conceivable logic by which the war can be said to have been started by any nation other than Germany.

But here's an experiment.

Grab a pen.

Write down the same question and post it off to Maria Miller, the Culture Secretary.

You should get a one word answer back: Germany.
But if Mrs. Miller's behaviour this week is anything to go by, you won't.

You'll just get a lot of waffle. Because no matter how clear the facts might be the one thing Mrs. Miller will not do is blame the Germans.

For anything. Ever.

God forbid we ever say or do anything that might upset a German.

This week Mrs. Miller revealed Government plans for next year's centenary of the outbreak of the First World War.

There will be candlelit vigils across the country and a service at Westminster Abbey, with a final candle extinguished at 11pm - the exact time when our 1914 ultimatum to Germany passed.

Every state school will be able to send children to the battlefields.

It's all very appropriate. But at the foundation of the plans there is a huge hole.

The answer to that same question - who started it? - is as black and white for the First World War as it is for the Second.

It's exactly the same answer: Germany.

In 1914 Germany under the Kaiser was seeking domination of Europe. It was a very different form of domination to Hitler's but it was equally unambiguous.

But you'll look in vain in any of the plans, in any of Mrs Miller's statements this week when announcing the events, for one simple statement of fact: that Germany was to blame for the war.

Intellectually feeble, politically puerile and diplomatically craven, Mrs. Miller's deliberate refusal to say that Germany started the First World War is an embarrassment to this country.

It is, apparently, important that we are "not judgmental" and "strike the right tone" between national pride and recognition of the sacrifice of soldiers.

For some reason Mrs. Miller seems to think that stating historical fact, which carries with it a form of judgment, is the same as a deliberate and gratuitous insult to one of our closest current allies. Nonsense.

Germany today is a very different nation from Germany in 1939.

And Germany in 1939 was different from Germany in 1914.

U.K. Culture Secretary Maria Miller

Today Germany is a democratic, peace-loving ally. We may have our differences but they are settled through politics and diplomacy.

It is not just embarrassing for Mrs Miller to behave as if stating cold historical facts about Germany in 1914 is insulting to modern Germany.

It actually is an insult to modern Germany - it implies that nothing has changed and that the three Germanys of 1914, 1939 and 2013 are no different.

It suggests that if blame is attached for world wars in 1914 - and presumably 1939 - then blame also attaches to Germany in 2013.

Germany will not be marking 1914, or any of the war anniversaries, as we will.

Both world wars are a stain of shame on a great nation and modern Germany knows that.

It long ago came to terms with its abhorrent past.

And to judge from Mrs Miller's antics Germany has come to terms with its past far more satisfactorily than our own governing class has understood it.

It is not the Germans who are demanding that we are ambivalent in our response to next year's anniversary.

It is our own Government.

Six million brave young men served in the armed forces in the First World War. An almost incomprehensible 800,000 died.

That's more than double the number who died in the Second World War.

They did not die in vain and they did not die in a futile war.

They died for a noble cause - keeping Europe free.

Yet the myth has taken hold that it was all a pointless slaughter.

The popularity of war poets such as Wilfred Owen and Rupert Brooke started the idea. But programmes such as Blackadder have firmly imprinted that notion on the national consciousness.

Goons like General Melchett and Captain Darling are taken as symbolising the whole tragic farce.

Yet the veterans themselves thought nothing of the kind. They would honour their fallen comrades on Armistice Day.

They did not do so in embarrassment but with pride, pride in the sacrifice they made in an honourable cause worth celebrating.

Our own Government is now so historically ignorant and so craven in its approach to international relations that it refuses to do anything which might apportion blame.

I would not even be surprised to see Mrs. Miller apologise for the war, so at sea does she seem to be.

What an insult her behaviour is to the memory of those who died.

In a sense it is unfair to single out Mrs Miller, who will almost certainly be booted out of the Cabinet in next month's reshuffle.

She is merely a representative of the bigger problem - that the entire Government is gripped by politically correct "non-judgmentalism".

A "non-judgmental" commemoration of 1914 means only one thing: an insult to those who laid down their lives.



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at heroesofserbia@yahoo.com



"По наредби честитог паше, заказана представа неће се одржати, зато што се у њој мешају Турци и Срби."

"На данашњи дан, 21. јуна 1842. године, Београђани, који су дошли да виде представу "Апотеоза бесмртног Карађорђа" Ђорђа Малетића, којом је требало да буде обележена 25. годишњица смрти вође Првог српског устанка, на вратима зграде у којој је заказана премијера затекли су обавештење:

"По наредби честитог паше, заказана представа неће се одржати, зато што се у њој мешају Турци и Срби".

Представа је приказана тек 1847. године у "Театру код јелена" и доживела је велики успех."

on Facebook.
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at heroesofserbia@yahoo.com

Завет Османа Ђикића / Пише Игор Марковић


Српски академски круг
Игор Марковић
June 21, 2013

Osman Đikić
(7 January 1879 - 30 March 1912)
Непресушни извори песничког Мостара вековима су красили и богатили српски књижевни и народни језик. Весници лепе речи, припадници различитих религија, гајили су посебну љубав према родољубивој поезији и прози. Један од њих био је и лучoносац српске поезије краја деветнаестог века, неправедно заборављени гениј, Осман Ђикић.
У временима када је колевка старих српских средњовековних земаља била под чврстим мачевима турских и аустријских сила, родио се великан поезије. Не кријући своја патриотска начела, у добу када је строго угњетавано свако национално опредељивање, Осман је, чојским пером, поносито проносио љубав према српству. Надахнут идејама слободе, стварао је стихове који су били наук и звезда водиља не само поробљених Јужних Словена, већ и будућих генерација. Склапајући, за неке, неспојиве ствари – ислам и српство – пробијао је ондашње предрасуде Босне и Херцеговине.

„Не, никад неће, ко се Србом зове,
Пред вама стрепет, нит се молит вама.
Нећете препаст очи соколове,
Овога свјета најжешћим мукама!”

Своју бескрајну посвећеност српској белетристици крунисао је насловима посвећеним горостасима наше поезије – „Змај Јови Јовановићу”, „Вуку Стефановићу Караџићу”, ,,Бранку”. Не заостајући за својим књижевним узорима, Осман Ђикић је, мађионичарским компоновањем стилских фигура и опијајућих речи, допирао и до најнедоступнијих емоционалних кутака читалаца.
Вуку Стефановићу Караџићу
Са свију страна, гдје год Србин живи,
Твом помену ловор — вјенци лете,
Па и овај прими, славни Вуче,
Што га моја млада душа сплете!
У том вјенцу узалуд би било,
Тражит златом исплетених грана.
Јер тај вјенац ништа друго није,
Него моја душа раздрагана.
Низ година, штоно се је сплео,
У даљини изнад гроба твога,
Ко да бјеше ланац тешких мука,
Туђе легло — срца леденога.
Ал’ ти  гредеш својој земљи сада,
Своја земља лагана је рака,
На твом гробу неумрли Вуче,
Мирисаће српска ружа слатка!
На међи будућих окршаја идентитета, на „вулканском” поднебљу Херцеговине, Осман се неуморно рвао са својим сећањима и устаљеним друштвеним нормама. Истовремено је покушавао да новим нараштајима појасни да је мале разлике међу људима и њиховим друштвеним својствима, могуће и потребно превазићи. Оно што многи нису смели да опишу или искажу, Осман је храбро претакао у нити танано избрушених стихова.
Аманет од ђеда
У долафу мога дједа
С десне стране у претинцу,
Кад још бијах грјешно дјете,
Виђах малу иконицу.
Прикрадох се да разгледам,
Каква ли је на њој слика,
Бјеше сребром опточена,
Слика Ђурђа мученика.
Ја то онда нисам знао.
Зазир’о сам од аждаје,
Ал’ с аждајом ко се бори,
Осјећ’о сам, јунак је.
Само зато, само зато,
Ја пољубих тог човјека.
Ђед униђе — ја се збуних —
А он рече: „Нека, нека!”
Истог Ђурђа, љубили су
Наши преци ко свечари,
Па зар да јађунах љубнут,
Што љубљаху наши стари.
Ал’ ти нијеси пољубио,
Само хадер — илијаза,
и пољупце си пољубио
својих рахмет праотаца.
Тако ђедо, ал’ не оде
Већ одавно с овог свијета,
А ја чувам иконицу
Поред других аманета.
Ал’ ја зато, Алах-икбер,
Чврсто се држим свог мезхеба,
А мезхеб ми ништ’ не смета,
Да србујем како треба.
Мостар, место где почива Осман Ђикић.
Гробница је током рата била оштећена
Своје умеће није успео да усаврши. Имао је само 33 године када је преминуо. Његове ће се родољубиве песме појати у ослободилачким борбама Срба од 1912. до 1918, не дајући времену да избрише његово дело. У аманет нам је оставио заборављене погледе једне генерације и једног напаћеног народа. Његовим стопама ишли су Муса Ћазим Ћатић, Авдо Карабеговић и, касније, Меша Селимовић. Њихове речи се не смеју заборавити, јер оне беху светионик вечито прогањаних људи.
Пише Игор Марковић
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at heroesofserbia@yahoo.com

SKANDALOZNO: Evropa Gavrila Principa poredi sa Bin Ladenom i od Srbije traže da ga proglasi za teroristu! / "Pravda.rs" June 18, 2013

S. Milovanović
Objavljeno: 18. jun 2013, 15:44
June 18, 2013

BEOGRAD-Srbija bi prema mišljenju jednog broja članova Evrpskog parlamenta sledeću godinu i jubilej- vek od početka Prvog svetskog rata morala da dočeka sa jasno definisanim stavom o ulozi Gavrila Principa, člana „Mlade Bosne“ i atentatora na austrougarskog prestolonaslednika Franca Ferdinada u Sarajevu 1914. što je bio i neposredan povod za izbijanje Velikog rata. Na društvenoj mreži Tviter trojica evropskih parlamentaraca iz Velike Britanije su izneli, za sada, nezvanično, lično mišljenje da bi Srbija trebala da Gavrila Principa i zvanično proglasi za teroristu!

Ovo inače nije prvi put da iz raznih evropskih institucija stižu naznake da bi Srbija jubilej stogodišnjice Prvog svetskog rata morala da iskoristi da redifiniše svoju istoriju, tačnije da se ogradi od uloge Principa i ostalih članova „Mlade Bosne“ u sarajevskom atentatu. Tako se nedavno na tribini istorijskog udruženja u Berlinu moglo čuti da je nedopustivo da bilo koja država, uključujući i Srbiju, Gavrila Principa posmatra drugačije osim kao teroristu čiji je kriminalni akt izazvao početak Prvog svetskog rata. Ograđivanje od lika id ela Gavrila Principa podrzaumevalo bi i uklanjanje imena ulice u Beogradu u centru grada, blizu glavne železničke i autobuske stanice. Za sada nikakva inicijativa te vrste nije stigla u Skupštinu grada ali kako nezvanično saznajemo već neko vreme postoji predlog da se ulica Gavrila Principa nazove po heroini iz Prvog svetskog rata Milunki Savić a da Princip dobije neku drugu, manju ulicu u širem centru grada. Istoričar Dušan Stanojević kaže za „Pravdu“ da je svako pominjanje Gavrila Principa kao teroriste ili kriminalca potpuno iskrivljivanje istorijskih činjenica i da se ni Princip a ni „Mlada Bosna“ nisu nikada povezivali sa terorizmom.
-Strogo gledano, i iz ugla današnje geopolitičke situacije, sam čin Prnicipa i delovanje „Mlade Bosne“ moglo bi da zaliči na terorizam ali to se nikako ne može porediti sa Al akidom i događajima od 11 septembra 2001. u Njujorku. Za razliku od Bin Ladena Gavrilo Princip je sa svojim saborcima težio nacionalno-oslobodilačkim ciljevima i vodile su ga patriotska ubeđenja. „Mlada Bosna“ je svoje delovanje usmeravala prvenstveno protiv aneksije Bosne od strane Austrougarske koja je to učinila protivno svim važećim tadašnjim političkim konvencijama i pravima, nešto slično što je i NATO savez uradio bombardovavši suverenu SR Jugoslaviju 1999. mimo odluke Ujedinjenih nacija. Aneksiona kriza  nastala je aneksijom Bosne i Hercegovine Austrougarskoj izvršene proglasom cara Franca Jozefa petog oktobra 1908. godine.  Dana 4. oktobra 1908. Bugarska je proglasila nezavisnost, a već sledećeg dana  Austrougarska je objavila aneksiju Bosne i Hercegovine. U ovaj događaj su, posredno ili neposredno, bile uključene Rusija,Osmansko carstvo, Francuska, Velika Britanija, Italija, Srbija, Crna Gora i Nemačko carstvo. Aktom aneksije, izvedenim bez prethodnog sporazuma sa velikim silama, koje su joj naBerlinskom kongresu  dale mandat za okupaciju Bosne, Austrougarska je izvršila očiglednu povredu međunarodnih ugovora, kaže Stanojević.
Ono što je takođe vrlo interesantno kada se govori o Gavrilu Principu i njegovoj organizaciji jeste da je jedan od pristalica „Mlade Bosne“ bio i jedan od najvećih srpskih i svetskih pisaca, nobelovac Ivo Andrić koji to nikada nije krio već je sa ponosom isticao.
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at heroesofserbia@yahoo.com

Snimanjem o sarajevskom atentatu režiraju novu istoriju? / "Novosti" June 23, 2013

Aleksandar PALIĆ
23. jun 2013. 12:00
June 23, 2013

Šta se krije iza najavljenih filmova "rasvetlhavanju ubistva" austrougarskog prestolonaslednika Franca Ferdinanda. Namera da se krivica za rat svali na Srbiju i Rusiju

VELIKA revizija istorije na velikom ekranu. Stogodišnjica početka Prvog svetskog rata, po svemu sudeći, poslužiće pojedinim istoričarima, ali I filmskim umetnicima, da istorijske događaje izrežiraju na način koji odgovara današnjim centrima moći. Jer, posle izjava nekoliko uglednih evropskih istoričara da su za Veliki rat krive Srbija i Rusija, sada je najavljeno i snimanje igranih filmova o Sarajevskom atentatu, koji će, po rečima producenata, "baciti novo svetlo na ubistvo Franca Ferdinanda".
Tako je austrijski reditelj Andreas Prohaska dobio sredstva iz Fonda za podsticaj filma grada Beča za snimanje trilera "Sarajevo". U pitanju je priča iz ugla istražnog sudije Lea Pfefera, koji pokušava da "rasvetli pozadinu atentata". Takođe u Austriji, povodom stogodišnjice atentata, počinje i snimanje dokumentarnog filma, dok se sličan projekat sprema i u Sarajevu, gde režiser Jasmin Duraković priprema igrano-dokumentarni film o Ferdinandu i Sofiji.

Svako ko politiku opravdava zloupotrebom kulture i istorije čini grešku, pošto politika proističe iz kulture i istorije a ne obrnuto, poručuje istoričar Čedomir Antić.

- Sama ideja da je Prvi svetski rat počeo u Sarajevu pokazuje koliko protagonisti ovakvih tumačenja ne brinu o činjenicama. Prva žrtva rata nije bio Franc Ferdinand, već građanin Kraljevine Srbije ubijen posle Austrougarske objave rata. Taj rat je bio austro-srpski rat, a tek kada je Nemačka napala Rusiju i Francusku zaista počinje Prvi svetski rat - objašnjava Antić.

Naš sagovornik smatra da revizija istorije ide naruku današnjem interesu pojedinih evropskih zemalja da Prvi svetski rat prikažu kao splet okolnosti za koje je zaslužan spoljni (srpski) faktor. Takva kampanja je i u funkciji pritiska radi umanjivanja političkih prava srpskog naroda.

- Ne treba da čude i pokušaji da Rusija bude prikazana kao dežurni krivac s obzirom na to da je u to vreme postojala već stoletna tendencija Zapada da ratuje sa njom. Nije tačna teza prema kojoj je ruska zaštita Srbije, "faktora nestabilnosti" kojeg je trebalo kazniti, dovela do svetskog rata. Rusija 1914. nije napala Austrougarsku, već je Nemačka, sila istinski odgovorna za izbijanje Prvog svetskog rata, napala Rusiju, Francusku i Belgiju - podseća sagovornik "Novosti".

Antić smatra da od novog talasa istorijske propagande Srbija teško može da se odbrani, najviše zbog toga što imamo slabu elitu.

- To se najbolje videlo prošle godine prilikom skromnog i neadekvatnog obeležavanja stogodišnjice Balkanskog rata. Bilo bi dobro kada bi država uložila određena sredstva, recimo, u snimanje holivudskog filma o događajima u Prvom svetskom ratu, koji bi za Srbiju značio ono što je "Hrabro srce" značilo za Škotsku ili "Majkl Kolins" za Irsku. Takav film ne treba da bude naša propaganda, dovoljno je da neko od velikih američkih ili britanskih režisera uputi racionalan izazov svim ukorenjenim stereotipima, pa i srpskim - zaključuje Antić.

Film koji bi na istinit način trebalo da prikaže sarajevski atentat je "Branio sam Mladu Bosnu" - projekat reditelja Srđana Koljevića. Snimanje priče o dr Rudolfu Cisteleru, advokatu Gavrila Principa, počinje na jesen, a želja autora je da premijera bude na Vidovdan 28. juna 2014. godine.

- To što je junak filma advokat Gavrila Principa, a ne sam atentator, po meni je zanimljiviji i objektivniji ugao, zbog kojeg priča postaje univerzalna i lakše razumljiva u celom svetu. Ona se uklapa u arhetipske modele sudskog filma: zanimljiv proces i hrabrost junaka koji je spreman da se žrtvuje za istinu. A Cesteler je upravo to i uradio - sebe je izložio javnom linču tako što je srušio optužnicu za veleizdaju i dokazao da je Austrougarska počinila agresiju u Bosni. Naravno, film se bavi i članovima Mlade Bosne, Gavrilom Principom, ali i Ivom Andrićem - otkriva Srđan Koljević.


BANJALUČKI režiser Igor Tešić je najavio snimanje biografske drame o Gavrilu Principu. - Prikazaćemo šta su bili istinski ideali tih tinejdžera s početka prošlog veka. Govorićemo o Mladoj Bosni kao pokretu srpske omladine. Film će se baviti danima i godinama nakon atentata - najavio je Tešić. Do sada najpoznatiji film na ovu temu je "Sarajevski atentat" iz 1975. godine, snimljen u jugoslovensko-češko-nemačkoj produkciji. Ulogu Franca Ferdinanda je igrao Kristofer Plamer, dok je ulogu Gavrila Principa poneo Irfan Mensur.
POJEDINI evropski istoričari idu toliko daleko da Gavrila Principa proglašavaju za teroristu, Mladu Bosnu upoređuju sa Al kaidom, a Srbiju krive za izbijanje Prvog svetskog rata, koji je "još početkom 20. veka sprečio ujedinjenje Evrope"! - Priče o jedinstvu u Evropskoj uniji i Velikom ratu ne idu zajedno. Zato je lakše prebaciti krivicu na Srbiju i Rusiju - konstatuje istoričar Dragan Petrović.
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at heroesofserbia@yahoo.com

Epska tragedija Makrene Spasojević / "Press Online" June 19, 2011

Press Online
19. 06. 2011
Autor: Vlada Arsić
June 19, 2011

Isplela je čarape i otišla čak do albanskih gudura da ih da sinu jedincu. Naišla je na kralja Petra, njemu ih dala da se ugreje, uz molbu da ih preda njenom vojniku. Ostaće zabeleženo da je kralj Petar jedini vladar koji je podigao spomenik podanicima - toj običnoj ženi iz sela Slovac i njenom sinu Marinku

Pada neko zasluži da mu se posle šest i po decenija očisti grob i obnovi spomenik, da mu se čitav vek nakon smrti održi parastos i pomene ime, a da pritom nema baš nikog od živih potomaka, znači da je dobrano zadužio narod iz koga je potekao.

A upravo se to dogodilo Makreni Spasojević, samohranoj majci iz sela Slovac kod Lajkovca, kojoj su članovi Društva srpskih domaćina nedavno obnovili humku i postavili spomen-obeležje, premda je od njene smrti prošlo, bezmalo, punih devedeset godina.

Verovatno bi se, da može, čudila i sama Makrena, baš kao što su se nedavno čudili i meštani Slovca kada su neki strani, njima nepoznati ljudi, krenuli strmim putem uz brdo ka malom seoskom groblju, kako bi odali počast njihovoj davno zaboravljenoj komšinici. Čudila bi se Makrena i ranije, još u vreme kada je jedan kralj odlučio da njenom sinu i njoj podigne spomenik, ali i kasnije, kada su ga pristalice nekog drugog vladara rušile i skrnavile. Pitala bi se i čime je to zaslužila da je jedan pisac „metne" u knjige, a još više, možda, zašto bi neko početkom 21. veka prevalio pola sveta, da bi samo njoj ukazao počast.

A opet, mesta za čuđenje baš i nema. Jer, iako ni po čemu osobita, Makrena je uistinu tragični simbol nesrećne žene i majke, glavna heroina epske tragedije koja bi i danas, verovatno, umela da slomi roditeljsko srce.

Tragom ove priče uputila se i ekipa Pressmagazina, ali u Slovcu, mestu gde počiva ova div-žena, osim novog spomenika i davnašnjeg zaborava, nismo zabeležili ništa vredno. Jednostavno, ovde niko, pa čak ni oni najvremešniji, ne pamti svedočenje o Makreninoj nesrećnoj sudbini, baš kao što su je zaboravili i savremenici neposredno posle smrti. Ali, ono što je promaklo narodu nije i jednom kralju, čime je i sam dospeo u središte neobične priče koju danas pripovedamo.

Vezirov most - Makrena je srela kralja Petra
dok je srpska vojska prelazila Crni Drim
A sve je počelo početkom proleća ratne i hladne 1915. godine, kada su u Srbiji, na trenutak, zaćutali rika topova i zlokobni zvuk artiljerijskih granata. Dok su zaraćene strane lizale rane, ljudi su na poljima žurili da zaseju useve i prikupe letinu. Znali su da predah neće potrajati, da se austrijska i švapska soldateska, posle teških poraza na Ceru i Kolubari, svaki čas mogu uspraviti.
Makrena Spasojević o tome nije razmišljala. Otkako zna za sebe bavila se jedino njivom, štalom, kućom i okućnicom. Sve drugo bilo je izvan njenog sveta, daleko, zamršeno i teško dokučivo. Nije razumela pa nije ni marila. Živela je na selu i od sela, živela je za sina jedinca i za dan kada će ga oženiti. Otkako je ostala udovica, samo je o tome mislila. Da snaju dovede i unuke na put izvede, da joj se kuća ne zatre i slavska sveća zauvek ne ugasi. A i to će se, Bogu hvala, uskoro dogoditi. Curu je već odabrala, samo da se jesen primakne. Tako je majka snevala, ali tako nije bilo.
Već u avgustu, ratni vihor ponovo je zahvatio Srbiju. Tutnjali su ratni doboši od Save i Dunava, do Drine i Morave. Austrijanci i Švabe su udarali s preda, a Bugari s leđa, kako znaju i kako im dolikuje. Iscrpljena srpska vojska, proređena bolestima i ratnim strahotama, povlačila se ka jugu vodeći sa sobom stare i izmučene, mlade i neiskusne. Svakog ko je pušku mogao da nosi i zemlju na umoru da brani. Ponela je ratna stihija i Makreninog Marinka, jedinoga sina, iako ni prag punoletstva nije video.
Krenuo je sin za vojskom, a majka za sinom. Vunene čarape je isplela, prtenu košulju ponela. Leto je bilo i vruće kad je polazio, a sad već kiše udarile i studen pritisla. Išla je majka za sinom, ali je vojska brže izmicala. Tek pred vratima Albanije pokolebala se i na očajnički korak odlučila. Zamoliće lično kralja da čarape ponese i svom vojniku preda. Jer, zaboga, ko će znati gde je vojnik, ako ne zna njegov kralj.
Dugo je stajala pred Vezirovim mostom preko Crnog Drima, zagledajući svakog vojnika koji je na njega zakoračio. Košulju je dala jednom ranjeniku, a čarape je čuvala za sina. Tamo je bila i kada je na most sa svojom skromnom pratnjom stupio kralj Petar. Već ga je videla u porti manastira Gračanice, bila je tamo posle božije službe, ali mu nije smela prići. Sada više nije imala kud. Prišla mu je i pružila čarape.
- Uzmi ovo, gospodaru, i navuci preko čizama, tako ćeš lakše preći preko mosta - rekla je Makrena dok su vojnici slušali, a njene reči mnogo kasnije Bogosav Marjanović preneo na papir. - Kad pređeš most, tebi one neće trebati, gospodaru. Skini ih i potraži moga sina Marinka Spasojevića, iz valjevskog sela Slovca, tvoga vojnika, u Užičkoj je vojsci. Tako se, rekli su mi, zove njegova jedinica. Ako iko mog Marinka, a daće bog da je živ, može naći, možeš samo ti, gospodaru, i neka ti je to pred bogom najveći amanet".
Poljubila mu je ruku, okrenula se i krenula nazad put svoga Slovca. Kralj Petar se na svom mukotrpnom putu kroz albanske gudure, pored svih drugih briga i nedaća stalno raspitivao za vojnika Marinka Spasojevića, ali od njega nije bilo ni traga ni glasa. Sve dok sudbina i puki slučaj nisu umešali svoje prste.
Narodni kralj - Petar Karađorđević je do kraja života
pamtio susret sa Makrenom

Makrena se vratila u Slovac gde se, u međuvremenu, smestio manji austrijski odred sa pet teških i nepokretnih ranjenika. Dok je tuđin čuvao most preko Kolubare, u selo su pristizale crne vesti sa ratišta. Skoro svakodnevno se po neka kuća oblačila u crno ruho, a lelek i kuknjava su budili selo. Slušali su to i Austrijanci, naročito ranjenici, koje je bolni jauk podsećao i na njihov neumitni kraj. U naricanju za svojim ranije umrlim suprugom i poginulim mladićima iz sela prednjačila je Makrena. Zapazio ju je jedan vojnik, teško ranjeni momak, koga je podsetila na njegovu majku. Na samrti je zavetovao svoje drugove da ga isprati baš ona. Pozvali su je kada je umro, ali je ona odbila. Nije bilo para, niti sile koja bi je na to mogla naterati. Sve dok joj ne rekoše da je to bila poslednja želja umrloga, te da je u njenom naricanju prepoznao glas svoje majke koja boluje za njim. Tek tada je poklekla. Setila se svog Marinka, svog jedinca, za kim niko neće zakukati.

I kukala je Makrena kako već samo majka može da zaplače. Naricala je na grobu neprijateljskog vojnika, oplakujući svoga sina o kome ništa nije znala. Kukala i presvisla. Kad je kovčeg spuštan u raku, kada su prvi grumeni zemlje zadobovali po dasci, Makrena je posrnula. Ostala je bez glasa i pala u grob. Kada su je izvadili, bila je mrtva.

Makrena nije dočekala vesti o svom sinu. A one nisu bile nimalo vesele. U potrazi za izgubljenim vojnikom, jedne studene zimske večeri kralj Petar je zastao. Kraj puta, kraj strme kozje staze pažnju mu je privukla grupa mrtvih, smrznutih vojnika. Njih petorica sedela su oko vatre koja je dogorevala, ukočenog lica, smrznutog pogleda. Kao da je nešto predosećao, kralj je naredio pratiocima da ih pretresu i pronađu vojne bukvice. U jednoj od njih je pisalo: „Marinko Spasojević, selo Slovac, srez Valjevski, vojska Užička..."

Kralj Petar nije ima srca da crni glas pošalje u otadžbinu. Ćutao je, ali nesrećnu ženu sa Vezirovog mosta nije zaboravio. I dalje je čuvao vunene čarape od kojih se nikada nije odvajao. Tek po povratku u zemlju, već oronuo i teško oboleo, kralj je poslao profesora i državnog savetnika Iliju Đukanovića u Slovac. Majku da pronađe, saučešće da izrazi, ali da detalje smrti njenog sina ne pominje. Kao da je bela smrt u ledenim gudurama Albanije bila u kobnoj vezi upravo sa čarapama koje su danima tragale za svojim nesuđenim vlasnikom.

Đukanović je otišao, ali Makrenu u životu nije zatekao. Tu je i saznao za detalje njene smrti, ali o tome nije mogao da izvesti kralja. Rekao je samo da je Makrena umrla, da u Slovcu nije imala nikog svog, te da su na nju već svi zaboravili.

- Smrtna bila, pa umrla - kralj Petar je sa olakšanjem primio ovu vest - Gospod bog se smilovao da sudbinu svog sina nikada ne sazna. Ali, nije zaboravljena. Ako su je drugi u sećanju zametnuli, ja nikako ne mogu!

Pružio je Đukanoviću svežanj novčanica i zamolio da ponovo ode u Slovac i na Makreninom grobu podigne spomenik. Na njemu je bilo isklesano: „Ovaj spomenik podiže Petar Karađorđević Makreni Spasojević, koja leži ovde, i njenom sinu Marinku, koji se večnim snom smiri u gudurama Arbanije."

Koliko se zna, ovo je jedini primer da jedan vladar o svom trošku podigao spomenik podaniku. Ali ni to ne beše kraj priče o kralju Petru, vunenim čarapama i Makreninoj posmrtnoj sudbini. Jer, kada je kralj nedugo posle toga umro, na njegovim nogama, po njegovoj naredbi, bile su Marinkove seljačke čarape.

U svojoj knjizi „Čarape kralja Petra" Milovan Vitezović je zapisao da se tog vrelog letnjeg dana, 16. avgusta 1921. godine, u Pavlovića vili na Topčiderskom brdu oko samrtne kraljeve postelje okupio brojan lekarski konzilijum. No, pomoći više nije bilo. Bolničar koji je prišao da popravi ležaj iznenadio se kada je pod jastukom našao seljačke debele čarape.

- Obuj mi ih, da ugrejem noge. Pri obrazu umreću - jedva čujno je izgovorio umirući vladar i zauvek sklopio oči.

Vest o smrti omiljenog kralja odjeknula je širom Srbije. Retko su koje novine propustile priliku da napišu nešto o njegovom skromnom i ubogom životu, a najbolja ilustracija za to bio je upravo gvozdeni vojnički krevet na kome je izdahnuo, i obične, seljačke čarape, u kojima je umro. Malo je ko uistinu znao priču o Makreni, Vezirovom mostu i smrznutom srpskom vojniku. Još manje su o tome, očigledno, znale i posleratne vlasti, kada su 1945. godine naredile da se spomenik sruši. Nije ih zanimala sudbina nesrećne srpske majke, ali im je na spomeniku smetalo ime člana omrznute dinastije, od koje se nisu libili sve da preotmu.

Ipak, da tako ne ostane, 65 godina kasnije potrudilo se Društvo srpskih domaćina, pre svih njihov predsednik Nićifor Aničić, poslovni čovek iz Johanesburga a rodom sa Jadovnika, kome nije bilo skupo da izdvoji najveći prilog za podizanje novog spomenika, ali ni previše teško da na njegovo otkrivanje zapuca čak iz Južne Afrike. A ono što je 14. maja rekao nad humkom umalo zaboravljene Makrene, prenosimo u celosti:

- Dragi braćo i sestre, dragi domaćini, ne znam da li se ikad igde dogodilo da jedan vladar podigne spomenik običnoj seljanki - rekao je Aničić. - Učinio je to kralj Petar Prvi Karađorđević. Skroman, kakav je bio, nije dao da o tome pričaju radio stanice i pišu novine.

Kralj Petar je, očigledno, znao da se pred onog gore ide praznih ruku i punog srca, podizao je spomenik ljubavi, ne očekujući pritom nikakve hvale ili slave. Učinio je to i Nićifor Aničić, dokazujući da u našem narodu još ima ljudi spremnih da učine nešto dobro za rod iz koga potiču, baš kao što je svojevremeno učinila i Makrena Spasojević, obična žena i majka, koja je na branik otadžbine dala jedino vredno što je imala i što je mogla dati.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at heroesofserbia@yahoo.com


O knjizi "Čarape kralja Petra" / "Glas Javnosti"


Knjiga „Čarape kralja Petra"

Glas javnosti
Čedomir Cvetković
Datum ?

Nisam imao prilike da vidim knjigu Milovana Vitezovića „Čarape kralja Petra". Nisam znao za potresnu istinitu priču o Makreni Spasojević, majci iz sela Slovac kod Lajkovca. Ovih dana mi je tu priču poslala, prijateljica dr Anka Stanojčić. Za one čitaoce Glasa javnosti koji, kao i ja, nisu znali za tragediju majke Makrene i gest kralja Petra, najpre ukratko prepričavam priču.

Majka Makrena Spasojević je stigla srpsku vojsku u povlačenju kroz Albaniju 1915. Ponela je prtenu košulju i vunene čarape koje je isplela za svog jedinca Marinka koji je, iako mlad za vojsku, krenuo sa srpskom vojskom kroz Albaniju. Srela je kralja Petra i zamolila ga da pronađe njenog sina jedinca i da mu da vunene čarape da mu se ne smrznu noge.

Košulju je dala jednom ranjeniku. I vratila se kući. Kralj Petar je našao Makreninog jedinca koji je umro od mraza u albanskim gudurama. Sačuvao je čarape i nije imao srca da pošalje majci tužnu vest o smrti njenog jedinca. Po povratku u Srbiju, kralj Petar je poslao državnog savetnika Iliju Đukanovića da ode u Slovac i izjavi Makreni saučešće. Makrena je, međutim, pre više godina, još za vreme rata, umrla.

Pod neobičnim okolnostima. Jedan austrijski vojnik, mladić, teško ranjen, smešten u Slovcu, čuvši Makrenin lelek za sinom, setio se svoje majke i poslao je Makrni molbu da kad umre - a predosećao je svoj kraj - da ga na groblju isprati. Teška srca Makrena je pristala. Ispred jame u koju je spušten kovčeg austrijskog vojnika pala je u grob i umrla.

Saznavši za tragediju majke Makrene, kralj Petar je dao Đukanoviću novac od svoje plate da se podigne u Slovcu spomenik Makreni Spasojević i njenom sinu Marinku. Kralj Petar se nikad nije rastajao od vunenih čarapa namenjenih vojniku Marinku. Na samrti je tražio da mu na nage navuku te vunene čarape koje je isplela majka Makrena za svog jedinca. Posle rata, partizani su srušili spomenik jer je na njemu bilo ime kralja Petra Karađorđevića. Šezdeset pet godina kasnije, na inicijativu predsednika Društva srpskih domaćina, Nićifora Aničića, Srbina iz Južnoafričke unije, na groblju u Slovcu obnovljen je spomenik majci Makreni i njenom sinu Marinku.

U Finskoj sam u gradu Kanusu imao priliku da otkrijem jedan spomenik majci koja je izgubila sina u ratu. Kad sam predsednika Saveza finskih boraca pitao zašto su mene, kao stranca, izabrali za taj čin, odgovor je bio kratak: "Zato što vi Srbi znate šta je rat."

Neko će, nadam se, osnovati našu fondaciju majkama koje su izgubile svoje najdraže u nesrećnim ratovima. Ministarstvo prosvete će, nadam se, uvrstiti ovu knjigu Milovana Vitezovića u obaveznu školsku lektiru a opština Slovac uz podršku Republike organizovati svake godine na dan smrti majke Makrene pomen na groblju u Slovcu i pozvati pesnike i književnike da snagom umetničke reči podsećaju na majku - heroja Makrenu Spasojević, njenog rano izgubljenog sina Marinka i humanosti vladara, kralja Petra Karađorđevića.

Priča je kao tema idealna za film. Još ako bi naš filmski genije, g. Kusturica, napravio taj film koristeći i naš prvi film o krunisanju kralja Petra Karađorđevića, to bi sigurno bio najgledaniji film u Srbiji, a verujem lepo primljen i u svetu.

Čedomir Cvetković



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, at heroesofserbia@yahoo.com


Snima se film "Čarape kralja Petra" / "Novosti" March 25, 2013

A. P.
25. mart 2013. 20:58
March 25, 2013

Lazar Ristovski počeo je pripreme za snimanje filma “Čarape kralja Petra”, po istoimenom romanu Milovana Vitezovića. Ristovski će režirati film, ali i igrati kralja Petra Prvog

King Peter I of Serbia/ Lazar Ristovski
ULOGA Kralja Petra, u filmu koji će sam režirati, igra Lazar Ristovski

REDITELj i glumac Lazar Ristovski počeo je pripreme za snimanje filma “Čarape kralja Petra”, po istoimenom romanu Milovana Vitezovića. Ristovski će režirati film, ali i igrati kralja Petra Prvog.

- Vitezović i ja upravo završavamo prvu ruku scenarija. Igraću kralja Petra, jer ličim na njega, a imam isto godina koliko je i kralj imao kada je krunisan - objašnjava Ristovski za “Novosti”.

Ostala glumačka podela još nije poznata, kao ni lokacije na kojima će se snimati. “Čarape kralja Petra” radiće se u produkciji kuće “Zilion film” (u vlasništvu Ristovskog), čiji su prethodni filmovi predstavljani na najvećim festivalima sveta, poput Kana, Berlina, Karlovih Vari...

Na veliko platno tako će stići dirljiva priča o majci Makreni Spasojević koja po srpskom kralju šalje sinu jedincu vunene čarape na front. Kralj Makreninog sina pronalazi mrtvog u albanskim gudurama. Sačuvao je čarape, ali nije imao srca da majci pošalje tužnu vest. Posle rata saznaje da je i Makrena umrla i naređuje da joj se državnim novcem podigne spomenik. Legenda kaže da se kralj Petar do kraja života nije odvajao od Makreninih vunenih čarapa.

U odnosu na roman Milovana Vitezovića, koji je imao više od 20 izdanja i bio preveden na desetak svetskih jezika, filmska priča otići će i “korak dalje”.

- Ovaj roman o kralju Petru, po obimu nije velik, ali je jedna od najbolje ispričanih priča o velikom oslobodiocu i stradanju srpskog naroda u povlačenju preko albanskih planina do Krfa. To je u isto vreme i intimna priča i epopeja. Ono čega u romanu nema je period od krunisanja pa do početka Prvog svetskog rata, na čemu nas dvojica sada radimo - kaže Ristovski, koji je za svoj i Vitezovićev projekat već dobio podršku princa Aleksandra Drugog Karađorđevića i princeze Katarine.

Autori će nastojati da film bude gotov sledeće godine kada se obeležava 100 godina od početka Prvog svetskog rata, a Ristovski se nada da će i država uzeti učešće u projektu. Po njegovim rečima, to mu je obećano “sa najvišeg mesta”, ali još čeka na konkretne poteze.


- SRBIJA mora imati film o Velikom ratu na 100 godina od njegovog početka iz više razloga. Jedan od njih je i opasnost da neko drugi, u svedočenju o ratu, ne zaboravi srpske žrtve ili stradanje našeg naroda preokrene i ispriča ga na štetu Srba. To se i može očekivati u ovom ružnom vremenu u kome se ne poštuje niko i ništa. Zato mi moramo da snimimo ovaj film i sa velikim ponosom pokažemo svetu šta je sve Srbija žrtvovala u ratu za današnju demokratsku Evropu - objašnjava Ristovski.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


King Peter's Socks - The story of Makrena Spasojević, King Peter of Serbia, and the great Serbian Retreat through Albania 1915/16


King Peter I of Serbia

November 28, 2012

Peasant socks of king Petar I Karadjordjević

Serbian king Petar I Karadjordjević ordered a monument to be built in memory of Makrena Spasojević, a brave peasant woman and a loving mother who searched for her only son in the snow covered mountains of Albania during the retreat of the Serbian army in World War I.

During the World War I retreat of the Serbian army across the snow covered Albanian mountains in winter of 1915/16, a rather peculiar event took place. A woman gave the Serbian king Petar I Karadjordjević, retreating with the entire army, government and a large part of the population, a pair of woolen socks – to wear them and give them to her only son when he finds him.

Makrena Spasojević made the socks for her only son, who, despite being very young, joined the army. She caught up with the army and started looking for him in the snow-covered mountains, but after weeks of searching, she didn’t have any more strength to continue.

Somewhere in Albania she met king Petar I Karadjordjević and gave him the socks. Makrena made the king promise her he will give the socks to her son after he finds him, and returned to her village.

Thanks to some peculiar circumstances a wounded Austrian soldier heard Makrena crying and her sorrow reminded him of his own mother. His last wish was to be mourned by Makrena and she granted him the wish. She died crushed with sorrow over her own son on the soldier’s grave. Probably having foreseen her own loss.

King Petar I Karadjordjević managed to [find] Makrena’s son who died of cold somewhere in Albania, but couldn’t tell her the sad news. The king received the news of Makrena’s death only after the war was finished, as he had sent his counselor to find her. On her grave a monument was built by the orders of king Petar himself.

King Petar I Karadjordjević died soon after that. The socks Makrena gave him he always kept close – under his pillow. The story says that he asked to wear them on his deathbed.

Milovan Vitezović, a Serbian writer, recorded the story about the king, the woolen socks and the unselfish love of a mother for her son in a book, and the monument in Makrena Spasojević’s honor still stands in a small village of Slovac near the town of Lajkovac in Serbia.

Aleksandra's Note: A film adaptation of this lovely story is being prepared.

Monument to Makrena Spasojević in Slovac, Serbia
Photo from "Press Online"


If  you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at heroesofserbia@yahoo.com


Немачка: Срби да буду “добри” за Видовдан / "IN4S" June 26, 2013


Cреда, 26 јун 2013 11:28 Б 92

Срби и косовска полиција треба да покажу уздржаност за Видовдан а Албанци да буду "добри домаћини", поручио је амбасадор Немачке у Приштини Петер Бломајер.

Он је изразио наду да ће ове године 29. јун, када се очекује одлука о датуму за почетак преговора са ЕУ имати и "позитивну европску конотацију".

"Поручио бих Србима да се сете да је то религијски празник, комеморација погинулима у чувеној бици 1389. године и обележавење доприноса Србије одбрани хришћанства. То је догађај и истиче да се никоме нису допале те сцене, али и да је било и пијаних Срба и полицајаца који су прекомерно реаговали, као и Албанаца који су бацали камење.

"Превише људи се лоше понашало и сада морамо из тога да извучемо лекцију и потрудимо се да овај догађај буде позитиван", уверен је Блумајер.

"Српска страна требало би да покаже мало уздржаности, а не да тај догађај искористе неки пијани људи који иначе не обележавају религијски празник. И косовска полиција би требало да буде уздржана, а Албанци да се понашају као добри домаћини," рекао је он.

Прошлогодишње обележавање Видовдана на Газиместану обележили су инциденти јер је косовска полиција од грађана одузимала чак и државне заставе и скидала са учесника одећу на којој су били било какви амблеми који нису били по вољи припадника косовске полиције.

За Видовдан прошле године косовска полиција је од ходочасника одузимала мајице са грбом Србије, ликовима хашких оптуженика а приликом повратка са Газиместана у Приштини су каменицама гађани аутобуси у којима су се налазили Срби.

Централно обележавање Видовдана и ове године биће организовано у петак 28. јуна у порти манастира Грачаница, док ће на Газиместану надомак Приштине бити служен парастос страдалим српскмим ратницима.

Што се тиче текста на мајицама, амбасадор напомиње да је "косовској полицији објашњено шта је прихватљиво, а шта не".

"Надам се да се неће поновити сцене у којима се женама свлаче мајице. У случају да постоји баш нека мајица са увредљивим натписом, онда ће добити беле мајице да обуку преко те", нагласио је он.

Портпарол Еулекса Ирина Гудељевић изјавила је да ће косовска полиција бити одговорна за сигурност и безбедност током обележавања Видовдана 28. јуна на Косову, а да ће мали број еулексових полицајаца бити присутан у својству посматрача на Газиместану и другим кључним локацијама.

Њихова улога ће бити да надгледају и саветују косовску полицију, али неће имати никакве функције у смислу команде или контроле, објаснила је она.

Ми имамо ограничене капацитете када је у питању успостављање јавног реда и то као други одговорни на захтев косовске полиције. У случају да људи имају примедбе на рад косовске полиције они могу поднети званичну жалбу независном телу а то је полицијски Инспекторат Косова," - рекла је Гудељевићева.

Званичници косовске полиције саопштили су да ће урадити све како би обележавање Видовдана протекло у најбољем реду, истичући да су спремни и да Косову не требају инциденти.

Такође је речено да се очекује од учесника прославе Видовдана да не истичу симболе који изражавају мржњу и нетрпељивост према било коме.



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at heroesofserbia@yahoo.com


Срби су део Аустрије / "Radio-Televizija Srbije (RTS)" June 27, 2013


Radio-Televizija Srbije (RTS)
четвртак, 27. јун 2013
June 27, 2013

У Бечу је представљена нова књига проф. др Волфганга Рорбаха "На траговима Срба у Аустрији", у издању Аустријско-српског друштва. "Срби нису дошли као гости, већ су део Аустрије” подвукао је аутор на промоцији књиге која описује долазак првих Срба за време "Велике Сеобе" на просторе "Дунавске монархије" у град Беч и њихово даље ширење по територији Аустрије.

Проф. др Волфганг Рорбах
 Срби и Аустријанци су се до Првог светског рата добро слагали али су шовинизам и национализам направили непријатеље два народа, оценио је у Бечу проф. др Волфганг Рорбах приликом представљања своје нове књиге "На траговима Срба Аустрије", у издању Аустријско-српског друштва (АСД).
Срби нису дошли као гости, већ су део Аустрије, подвукао јe аутор, додајући да су Срби на тлу Аустрије присутни још од 1526. године, а у Бечу од 1683., и да се као први Србин помиње Ђорђе Михајловић, који је био извиђач.
"Тамо где успостављамо границе, где идемо од патриотизма ка национализму, прелазимо у мржњу према осталима. Том мржњом је Европа почела сама да се разара", подвукао је Рорбах којем је отац био Аустријанац, а мајка Српкиња.
Књига се бави једном старом широко распростањеном заблудом, да су пре Другог светског рата Срби само појединачно живели у Бечу и да су први таласи српских миграната дошли из Титове Југославије током шездесетих и седамдесетих година у Аустрију.

Књига "На траговима Срба Аустрије" описује долазак првих Срба за време "Велике Сеобе" на просторе "Дунавске монархије" у град Беч и њихово ширење по територији Аустрије.

Рорбах је казао да је циљ књиге да се научи из прошлости и прикаже како народи, када наиђу једни на друге, могу да уче једни од других. То су, према његовим речима, Срби и Аустријанци практиковали. Тако су Аустријанци од Срба учили како се бранити, пошто су Срби имали увек јаке одбрамбене тактике. Србима су, како је навео, дати и важни задаци, а били су и официри аустријске војске, тако да међу херојима прошлости Аустрије има пуно оних српског порекла.

Циљ књиге је, како је подвукао Рорбах, да се прикаже заједничка историја, оно што нас повезује, што је битно пред стогодишњицу Првог светског рата који је све разорио.

Председник Аустријско-српског друштва, Марко Стијаковић, најавио је да ће ово дело бити објављено и на српском језику, а да је планирано касније и штампање двојезичног допуњеног издања.



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at heroesofserbia@yahoo.com




A changing summer sky over Chicagoland June 27, 2013 (1)
Photo by Aleksandra Rebic

A changing summer sky over Chicagoland June 27, 2013 (2)
Photo by Aleksandra Rebic

A changing summer sky over Chicagoland June 27, 2013 (3)
Photo by Aleksandra Rebic

A changing summer sky over Chicagoland June 27, 2013 (4)
Photo by Aleksandra Rebic

A changing summer sky over Chicagoland June 27, 2013 (5)
Photo by Aleksandra Rebic

A changing summer sky over Chicagoland June 27, 2013 (6)
Photo by Aleksandra Rebic


Aleksandra's Note: Today is Thursday, June 27, 2013. Exactly 99 years ago today was the day before everything in the world changed forever. History tells us that it was a beautiful summer in 1914 - everything a summer should be. The peaceful atmosphere in Europe had only 24 hours left. The next day, June 28, 1914 was Vidovdan, a most sacred day in Serbian history. It was also the day that an Austrian Archduke and his wife would come visiting and go for a carriage ride in a city in Bosnia. It was a day they should have chosen to go elsewhere, anywhere, but the Balkans. But then again, it would not have mattered at all. The war planners had already engineered the future, a destiny they believed would turn out in their favor. That's the folly of arrogance and shortsightedness.

The historical revisionists, in anticipation of next year's centennial of the start of the War To End All Wars, have already begun their campaigns to sabotage the truths of history. The Serbs, regardless of all evidence to the contrary, are to be made the fall guy, thus nullifying even the Versailles Treaty where it was determined unequivocally and with finality who was responsible and accountable for the First World War. And it was not the Serbs. Any historian with even a modicum of integrity will see this WWI centennial campaign for exactly what it is and will reject its phony premise.

But that's all for later. This day, June 27th in 1914,  is a peaceful day in Europe and beyond.  But there had been portents of things to come for many decades before this day, and like anything that simmers under the surface, there's always the tipping point. Always.

David Fromkin, in the excerpts I'm sharing below from his book "Europe's Last Summer: Who Started the Great War in 1914?" describes this peaceful time and the context in which the First World War began.

Today, June 27, 2013, the skies over Chicagoland have been blue and sunny with ever changing storm clouds creating remarkable images. These were the portent of a brief but intense rainstorm. Moments later a beautiful rainbow appeared in the Eastern sky. How quickly things can change...

As the leaders and politicians and policymakers and regular people of the world all went to sleep on this same night 99 years ago, they could not possibly have known that the very next day the world as they knew it would change forever in more ways than any of them could ever have imagined.

As they slept, the tipping point was upon them.


Aleksandra Rebic


David Fromkin writes:

"What was the First World War about? How did it happen? Who started it? Why did it break out when and where it did? 'Millions of deaths, and words, later, historians still have not agreed why,' as the "Millenium Special Edition" of The Economist (January 1, 1000-December 31, 1999) remarked, adding that 'none of it need have happened.' From the outset everybody said that the outbreak of war in 1914 was literally triggered by a Bosnian Serb schoolboy when he shot and killed the heir to the Austrian and Hungarian thrones. But practically everybody also agrees that the assassination provided not the cause, but merely the occasion, for first the Balkans, then Europe, and the rest of the earth to take up arms.

“The disproportion between the schoolboy's crime and the conflagration in which the globe was consumed, beginning thirty-seven days later, was too absurd for observers to credit the one as the cause of the other...millions of people could not be losing their lives they felt, because one man and his wife -- two people of whom many of them had never heard -- had lost theirs. It did not seem possible. It could not, everyone said, be true.

“Because the Great War was so enormous an event and so fraught with consequences, and because we want to keep anything similar from happening in the future, the inquiry as to how it occurred has become not only the most challenging but also the biggest question in modern history. But it remains elusive. In the words of the historian Laurence Lafore, 'the war was many things, not one, and the meanings of the word 'cause' are also many.'"[1]

“To the man or woman in the streets of the Western world -- someone who was alive in the vibrant early years of the twentieth century -- nothing would have seemed further away than war. In those years men who dreamed of battlefield adventure had been hard pressed to find a war in which they could participate. In the year 1901, and the thirteen years that followed, the peoples of western Europe and the English speaking Americas were becoming consumers rather than warriors. They looked forward to more: more progress, more prosperity, more peace. The United States at that time (commented an English observer) 'sailed upon a summer sea,' but so did Great Britain, France, and others. There had been no war among the Great Powers for nearly half a century, and the globalization of the world economy suggested that war had become a thing of the past. The culmination of those years in the hot, sun-drenched, gorgeous summer of 1914, the most beautiful in living memory, was remembered by many Europeans as a kind of Eden.”[2]

[1]Fromkin, David. Europe's Last Summer: Who Started the Great War in 1914?, p. 8
[2]Fromkin, David. Europe's Last Summer: Who Started the Great War in 1914?, p. 12

These history changing events and their long-term impact will be featured in the upcoming book "Heroes of Serbia" by Aleksandra Rebic.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at heroesofserbia@yahoo.com


Hriste Boze raspeti i sveti - Pesma kosovskih junaka

Песма светом кнезу Лазару светог владике Николаја

"Сада је време, да Европа Србији врати тај дуг." - Бладика Николај на Видовдан 1916


Господо и пријатељи!

"Дошао сaм из Србије, из Европске поноћи. Тамо нигде ни зрачка светлости. Сва је светлост побегла са земље на небо и једино нам одозго светли. Па ипак, ми нејаки у свему, сада овако, јаки смо у нади и вери, у скоро свануће дана. Захвалан сам лорду архиепископу, Конкен Бериском, који ми је омогућио да на свети Видовдан, овог лета господњег 1916. године, у овој прекрасној цркви Светог Павла, пред његовим Височанством, краљем Џорџем петим и нај угледнијим Енглезима могу да вам се обратим.

Господо и пријатељи! Цео дан јуче, провео сам разгледајући овај величанствени храм, који је понос Енглеске и Хришћанства. Ја сам видио, да је он саграђен од најскупоценијег материјала, донешеног из разних крајева империје, у којој сунце не залази. Видео сам, да је саграђен од гранита и мермера, које су испирали таласи стотине мора и океана. И да је украшен, златом и драгим камењем, донетим из нај скупоценијих рудника Европе и Азије. И уверио сам се, да се овај храм, с правом убраја, у једно од архитектонских чуда света.

Но, господо и пријатељи! Ја долазим из једне мале земље на Балкану, у којој има један храм, и већи, и лепши, и вреднији, и светији, од овог храма. Тај храм, се налази у српском граду Нишу, и зове се ЋЕЛЕ КУЛА. Тај храм, је сазидан од лобања и костију мог народа. Народа који пет векова стоји, као стамена брана Азијатском мору, на јужној капији Европе. А кад би све, лобање и кости, биле узидане, могао би се, подићи храм, триста метара висок, толико широк, и дугачак, и сваки Србин, би данас, могао подићи руку и показати. Ово је глава, мога деде, мога оца, мога брата, мога комшије, мога пријатеља, кума.

Пет векова, Србија лобањама и костима својим, брани Европу, да би она живела срећно. Ми смо тупили, нашим костима, Турске сабље, и обарали дивље хорде, које су срљале као планински вихор на Европу. И то, не за једну деценију, нити за једно столеће, него за сва она столећа, која леже између Рафаела и Ширера. За сва она, бела и црвена столећа, у којима је Европа, вршила реформацију вере, реформацију науке, реформацију политике, реформацију рада, реформацију целокупног живота. Речју. Када је Европа, вршила смело кориговање, и Богова, и људи из прошлости, и када је пролазила кроз једно чистилиште, телесно и духовно. Ми смо, као стрпљиви робови, ми смо се клали са непријатељима њеним, бранећи улаз у то чистилиште. И другом речју. Док је Европа, постајала Европом, ми смо били ограда њена, жива и непробојна ограда, дивље трње око питоме руже. На Видовдан, 1389. године, Српски кнез Лазар, са својом храбром војском, стао је на Косову Пољу, на браник Хришћанске Европе, и дао живот, за одбрану Хришћанске културе. У то време, Срба је било колико и вас Енглеза. Данас их је, десет пута мање.

Где су? Изгинули, бранећи Европу.

Сада је време, да Европа Србији врати тај дуг.

Бладика Николај на Видовдан 1916


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at heroesofserbia@yahoo.com


THE SARAJEVO ASSASSINATION JUNE 28, 1914 - "VIDOVDAN" - A Day of Death and Martyrs that would change the world forever / By Aleksandra Rebic


Поље косовских божура - Надежда Петровић
Field of Kosovo Peonies / Painting by Nadezda Petrovic


A Day of Death and Martyrs that would change the world forever

By Aleksandra Rebic

"…the conspiracy no longer may have been
much of a secret; we are told that the cafes
of the Balkans were abuzz with speculations
about a plot to kill Franz Ferdinand, and
that the cafes were alive with Austrian spies.
A century later, we still do not know with
certainty who knew what, and when they knew it."

David Fromkin
Europe’s Last Summer: Who Started the Great War in 1914

June 28th is a sacred day in Serbian history. It is on this day, "Vidovdan", many years ago, that the Christian Serbs, under the command of their beloved leader St. Lazar, sacrificed their entire army of 70,000 men on the fields of Kosovo, fighting against the Ottoman Turks, the Islamic army that was pushing into the Balkans and into the heart of Europe. That was 1389, and the beginning of Turkish rule over the Serbs that would last five centuries.

Just over five centuries later, June 28th would become a significant date once again, this time not only in Serbian history, but in the history of the world.

The morning of June 28th, 1914 dawned sunny and beautiful in Sarajevo, Bosnia. The early fog covering the Sarajevo valley dissipated early under the warm summer sun.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand was here in Sarajevo in what was then Austro-Hungarian Bosnia. He had come for a visit with his wife Sophie von Chotkovato, a woman he had married out of love, despite the scandal the marriage caused, for she was not descended from the House of Habsburg nor was she related to one of the ruling families in Europe.

Born in 1863, Ferdinand, the nephew of Emperor Franz Josef, was not intended to be the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, however, the intended heirs, the emperor’s son, Crown Prince Rudolf and the emperor’s brother, Carl Ludwig, Ferdinand’s father, both died while Franz Josef still ruled. With their deaths, Ferdinand would be the one to step into the role of Emperor once Franz Josef died. Destiny, however, would have it otherwise.

From early on, Franz Ferdinand devoted his life to the military, joining the Austro-Hungarian Army in 1883. He was promoted through the ranks and became general in 1896. In 1913, he became the Inspector General of the Austro-Hungarian Army. He was well-liked by his men, and though he promoted the modernization of the military and stretching the Empire’s power to extend over the seas by way of naval expansion, he was not a warmonger like others in the House of Habsburg.

The Governor of Bosnia-Hercegovina, General Oskar Potiorek, thought that the summer of 1914 would be a fine time for Ferdinand to visit the two Austrian provinces. The troops would be on maneuvers. Ferdinand agreed to the visit, but only after being assured by Potiorek that Dutchess Sophie would be treated hospitably and that she would be made to feel welcome there. How his wife would be treated was not his only concern, however.

The Archduke was very aware that there were dangers inherent in this trip he would be making to Bosnia. The Serbs had not hidden their hatred of their Habsburg rulers. Those who wanted an independent Serbian state free of Austrian rule and who dreamed of a union between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia were wary of Ferdinand’s plans to grant concessions to the South Slavs, because this could undermine the movement to create an independent Serbian state. The Serbs didn’t want concessions. Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevich (also known as "Apis"), the chief of the Intelligence Department of the Serbian General Staff, saw the future ascendancy of Ferdinand to the Austro-Hungarian throne as a serious threat to the Serbian dream, and after centuries of that dream being subverted by one dictatorship after another, it was time to throw off the yoke once and for all.

The plans for Ferdinand’s visit to Bosnia in June of 1914 were officially announced. The plans for his assassination began immediately afterward. Three young men, boys actually, would be sent by Dimitrijevich to Sarajevo to make sure that this visit to Bosnia would be the Archduke’s last. Nedeljko Cabrinovich, Trifko Grabez, and Gavrilo Princip were all Austrian subjects from Bosnia, members of the "Mlada Bosna" ("Young Bosnia") group, and later members of the “Black Hand”  (“Unification or Death”) organization. For Bosnia and Hercegovina to be free of the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was a core goal of this group and now it was to be achieved by whatever means necessary.

The Prime Minister of Serbia, Nikola Pasic, was informed of the plot by Major Voja Tankosic, without Dimitrijevich knowing that Tankosic was going to do so. Pasic immediately recognized the potential consequences of such an act, and although he shared the group’s yearning for a unification of Serbian lands and freedom for the Serbs, he didn’t want war with Austria-Hungary in order to achieve that goal. He gave the order that Grabez, Cabrinovich, and Princip were to be arrested upon any attempt to cross the border of Serbia into Bosnia. The men did cross. No arrests transpired. The three became nine as Danilo Ilic, Vaso Cubrilovich, Misko Jovanovic, Muhamed Mehmedbasic, Cvjetko Popovic and Veljko Cubrilovich joined them.

After arriving in Sarajevo, the Archduke and the Duchess were on their way to City Hall for a royal reception. It was around 10:00 a.m. on this fine June morning. The car they were traveling in, the second in the procession, had its top rolled back so that the visitors and the crowds that had come to watch had a good view of each other. In the crowd were the nine young men who were waiting with special anticipation. None of them had reached their twentieth birthday yet.

There was the first attempt. This one was not successful. A hand grenade was thrown by Cabrinovic but it missed its target, exploding instead, behind the royal car. Though people were seriously wounded, no one was fatally hurt. The procession continued, reaching City Hall without further incident. After the reception, the Archduke insisted on making a visit to the hospital to see those in his party that had been wounded. He was warned by a member of his staff that this was not a good idea. It was obviously dangerous for him to be out among these crowds, but he was not to be dissuaded, nor was his wife, Sophie, who declared that she would not leave his side.

Oskar Potiorek, the governor, who had been with the royal couple in the same car during the first assassination attempt and who was responsible for making sure that they were both comfortable and safe from any harm, dismissed the concerns a member of the Archduke’s staff voiced about Ferdinand’s safety. It is alleged that Potiorek scoffed “Do you think that Sarajevo is full of assassins?

Potiorek acquiesced to the concerns and made the decision to avoid going through the center of the city on the way to the Sarajevo Hospital. They would take the route along the Apple Quay instead. The driver, however, was not told by Potiorek about the change in plans to take the safer, less conspicuous route. When the driver turned right onto Franz Joseph Street instead of going straight along the Appel Quay, Potiorek panicked. The driver slowed the car and put it in reverse, seeking to back up. But there on the corner waiting was Gavrilo Princip. He drew his gun and fired. And kept firing until the bullets were expended.

Franz Ferdinand and his beloved Sophie would die from their wounds a short time later.

Others before and others who came after had too lost their lives to an assassin’s bullet. But, perhaps no other assassination in the history of mankind has generated the consequences and far-reaching effects that this one did. Samuel Williamson, Jr. and Russel Van Wyk assess the damage done:

"The heir apparent's death radically transformed the decision making process in Vienna. Since 1906, ministers had treated Franz Ferdinand with respect; if he were not yet the emperor, one day he would be. And despite contemporary reports to the contrary, the archduke generally favored a cautious Habsburg foreign policy. Increasingly suspicious of Conrad's repeated demands for military action, Franz Ferdinand together with Emperor Franz Joseph had supported Berchtold in his repeated confrontations with the aggressive general [Conrad]. Now, suddenly, the chance for a military solution had strongly increased. The absence of Franz Ferdinand made the decision for war far more likely, even as his death would be the pretext." [1]

The Germans were immediately notified. The Kaiser was out enjoying himself on the seas when he got the news.

Roger Parkinson, in Tormented Warrior, writes:

"At Kiel, Kaiser Wilhelm was attending Regatta Week on board his yacht ‘Meteor’.  Present at the festivities was a British naval squadron, paying the first courtesy visit to a German port for many years…

"Shortly after two pm this Sunday a fast motor launch pulled alongside of ‘Meteor’ and a telegram was handed to the Kaiser. He read that his friend the Archduke…had been killed. Within hours the Regatta had been cancelled at the Kaiser’s command…" [2]

The response was immediate. It was as though that corner of the world was just waiting for the right moment to come along. The “right moment” came in the matter of a few short hours on a warm, sunny summer day in June in Sarajevo.

Historian Martin Gilbert describes part of the scene that took place in that corner of the world over the course of the next 48 hours:

"The Kaiser learned the news of the Archduke’s assassination while he was at the Kiel regatta; a note of what had happened had been written out for him and thrown onto the royal yacht in a gold cigarette case. He returned at once to Berlin, where he was in a bellicose mood. ‘The Serbs must be disposed of, and that right soon!’ he noted in the margin of a telegram from his ambassador in Vienna on June 30. Against his ambassador’s remark that ‘only a mild punishment’ might be imposed on Serbia, the Kaiser wrote, ‘I hope not.

"The Kaiser’s comments envisaged nothing more than a swift Austrian victory over Serbia, with no wider repercussions. That day, as the British naval squadron sailed from Kiel to return to Britain, the British admiral signaled to the German Fleet: ‘Friends in the past, and friends forever.’ Also on June 30, Sir Arthur Nicolson, the senior civil servant at the British Foreign Office, wrote to the British Ambassador in St. Petersburg, ‘The tragedy which has just taken place in Sarajevo will not, I trust, lead to further complications.’" [3]

Perhaps this British civil servant was expressing a hopefulness that nothing more would come of it. Perhaps he was issuing a warning. Whatever the case may have been, and whatever the tone of his communication, it would turn out that his trust in there being ‘no further complications’ was naïve. Despite all their “war planning” in the preceding several decades, no one could possibly have conceived of just where ‘the complications would lead’ in just a matter of a few short weeks in the summer of 1914.

June 28th, 1914 was the day that everything would change, not just in Sarajevo, Bosnia, not just in the Balkans, not just in Europe and beyond, but in the world.

Aleksandra Rebic

[1] Williamson, S.R., Jr. and Russel Van Wyk. July 1914: Soldiers, Statesmen, and the Coming of the Great War, p. 55
[2] Parkinson, Roger. Tormented Warrior, p. 27
[3] Gilbert, Martin. A History of the Twentieth Century: Volume One 1900-1933, p. 310

These history changing events and their long-term impact will be featured in the upcoming book "HEROES OF SERBIA" by Aleksandra Rebic.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at heroesofserbia@yahoo.com


Serbia's Royal Couple HRH Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine in the King's office at the Royal Palace in Serbia / Краљевски пар у Краљевом кабинету на Краљевском двору


Serbia's Royal Couple HRH Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine
in the King's office at the Royal Palace in Serbia

Краљевски пар у Краљевом кабинету на Краљевском двору
From the Facebook page of HRH Crown Prince Alexander:
NjKV Aleksandar II Karađorđević | HRH Alexander II Karageorgevitch
Aleksandra's Note:
It was such a pleasure and an honor to meet these two fine people, HRH Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia, at the Serbian National Defense Slava and Vidovdan Celebration at New Gracanica Monastery in Third Lake, IL on Sunday, June 30, 2013.
Much more to come...
Aleksandra Rebic
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at heroesofserbia@yahoo.com

Saint Lazar the Great Martyr of Kosovo / The Kosovo Battle of 1389 [Vidovdan]


The Kosovo Battle of 1389 painted by Petar Radicevic 1987

Saint Lazar

The remains of St. Lazar
Ravanica Monastery

Saint Lazar the Great Martyr of Kosovo


Prince Lazar was born in 1329 in Prilepac to the aristocrat family Hrebeljanovic. His father Pribac was a Logotet-secretary doing very confidential work for King Dusan the Powerful in the royal palace. Young Lazar was raised in the palace, and was respected by the King who entrusted him with the rule of two parts of his kingdom: Srem and Macva. Lazar married Milica the daughter of an important aristocrat named Vratko also known as Yug Bogdan - a very wise and honorable man from the Nemanjic family. Lazar had three sons: Stevan, Vuk and Lazar and five daughters: Jelena, Mara, Despa, Vukosava and Mileva.

King Dusan the Powerful died unexpectantly in 1355 at the age of 48. This led to a weakening of Serbia's central government. Many dukes used this opportunity to secede from the Kingdom with the land that had been entrusted to them. The young son of Dusan Uros took over the throne and soon was killed. Vukasin Mrnjacevic proclaimed himself the King of Serbia. At this time, Turks were advancing toward the Kingdom of Serbia. In a battle on the river Marica in 1371, Vukasin was killed leaving behind him a weakened, poor and torn Serbia. Serbia was in desperate need of a gifted statesman, rich in virtue and deserving of God's Grace: a man similar to St.Sava and his father St. Stefan Nemanja who had founded the Serbian state. The Church recognized just such a man in Prince Lazar. His talent for leadership, wisdom and experience lifted him above those who would seize the throne by force and sought their own glory and importance.

Prince Lazar, first sought to consolidate and strengthen the Kingdom. As was the custom of that day and age, he married his daughters to the rebellious Serbian aristocrats. This enlarged and stabilized Serbia. Having thus secured the loyalty of dissident aristocrats, Prince Lazar turned to those countries which bordered his own, seeking to deepen Serbia's relationship with them.

At this time, the Serbian Orthodox Church was in a dispute with the Patriarch of Constantinople. King Dusan the Powerful wanted Serbia to have an independent Church. He single-handedly sought to elevate the Serbian archbishop to the level of a patriarch. The Patriarch of Constantinople utterly rejected this act and broke relations with the Church in Serbia. This was a very serious problem and one which King Lazar managed to solve by reconciling the Serbian Church and that of Constantinople. It was a result of this reconciliation that gave the Serbian Church its first canonical Patriarch.

The expansion of that Ottoman state, and increasingly frequent Turkish raids into his land, warned Prince Lazar that the time for a decisive battle was drawing near. Lengthy preparation on both sides preceded this confrontation. The fact that the armies were led by the Turkish ruler Murad 1 and by King Lazar of Serbia illustrates the importance of this battle. It was decided that the site of the battle would be a field in Kosovo (Kosovo Polje).

Prince Lazar knew that his chances against the Turkish aggressor were small and on the eve of the Battle of Kosovo he gathered his upper aristocracy and asked if they should fight for the Holy cross and Golden Freedom or surrender to their adversaries and live as slaves of the Muslims. They had to chose between the Heavenly Kingdom and earthly one. In the true spirit of Christianity they preferred to place their hope in Christ and Eternal Life. The Prince and all of this warriors took Holy communion and went into battle on Saint Vitus Day, Tuesday June 15th 1389 [by old calendar - Julian date / June 28th by new, current calendar - Gregorian date.]

In the beginning of the battle Serbian warriors were able to advance. Milos Obilic, the most famous hero of this Kosovo Battle, killed the Turkish King Murad. Despite this unexpected development, the Turkish army re-grouped and over ran the Serbs. They captured Prince Lazar alive, but beheaded him shortly thereafter.

Today his earthly remains are amazingly preserved intact and kept in the monastery Ravanica which was founded by him, along with many others churches and monasteries. The faithful gather from all Serbia just as they have through centuries to venerate his Holy relics and to get comfort and healing and to inspire them in the hope and belief that better days will come.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at heroesofserbia@yahoo.com


The Battle of Kosovo / The Role of St. Vitus Day [VIDOVDAN] in Modern Serbia / By Dimitrije Djordjevic

Battle of Kosovo 1389 / Painted by Adam Stefanovic, 1870-1871

The Role of St. Vitus Day in Modern Serbia

By Dimitrije Djordjevic

Niti cemo se pokoriti, niti ukloniti!

(We shall neither submit, nor yield!)

In 1887, on the occasion of the celebration of Vidovdan (Saint Vitus' Day) in the Serbian Monastery of Ravanica, Nikanor, the bishop of Pakrac, addressed his flock with these words: "I shall not make a long sermon. It is enough to tell you: Brethren, today is Vidovdan!"

For Serbs, scattered over the central, northern, and western Balkans, living in 2 independent Serbian states born through revolutions and wars during the 19th century, as well as subjected to the Ottoman and Habsburg rule, Vidovdan embodied their "historical memory." It became synonymous for the 1389 Battle of Kosovo, which took place on that day, and which determined the Serbian people's collective and individual destiny. Vidovdan was imbedded in the Serbian ethnic and national self-awareness. It became the incentive for survival, the inspiration in the struggle for personal and national liberation. The myth and legend of Kosovo and Vidovdan were transmitted to posterity by the popular epic poetry, by the Serbian Orthodox Church, by intellectuals and historians, as well as by national and political leaders in modern times. Generations of Serbs and historians divided the national past into 2 periods: before and after the Kosovo Battle. Later, following the birth and ascendancy of the modern Serbian state in the 19th and 20th centuries, 3 kinds of traditions emerged: the old cult of the Kosovo Battle, the reverence for the 1804-1815 uprisings, and the commemoration of the 1912-1918 wars. The first marked the defeat of the medieval Serbian state, the second announced the beginning and the third the victory of the reborn state.

Among Serbian national holidays, Vidovdan occupied a place of particular importance. It symbolized the death and resurrection, the despair and hope, and the end of an epoch and the beginning of a new era. During the Ottoman rule, it offered a fatherland even before it was organized. It was woven in the texture of modern Serbian nationalism in recent times. In 1889, in agreement with religious authorities, the Serbian government confirmed Vidovdan as the day consecrated to all those who sacrificed their lives for the faith and the fatherland. Intentionally, or by historical coincidence, on Vidovdan 1876 the war against the Ottomans was declared, the 1881 Secret Convention with Austria-Hungary was signed, the 1914 Sarajevo assassination took place, the 1921 Yugoslav Constitution was proclaimed, and the 1948 Resolution of the Cominform was declared. Until the end of World War II, Vidovdan marked the end of the school year when awards were bestowed upon the best students.

Reference to the past characterized the development of modern nationalism in Europe during the "age of national renaissance" after 1815. In the search for the "national soul" the celebration of the days of fallen heroes was to confirm the national identity and unity. In the study of the cult of St. Vitus' Day among the Serbs my esteemed colleague and old friend, Professor Ekmecic from Sarajevo, compared this observance with the "Fete de la Federation" inaugurated in 1790 in France as a token of the "united and indivisible nation," practically as in the same manner as Bastille Day or the "Totenfest" introduced by Wilhelm III in Prussia. The celebration of Vidovdan among the Serbs expressed, in general terms, similar trends of modern nationalism. But, at the same time, there was 1 difference. Days celebrating fallen heroes were in Europe decreed from above, by rulers or governments. Vidovdan truly emerged among the Serbs from the grassroots, from the illiterate village community. Until officially celebrated, it already existed in the people's minds, in oral history, refreshed and adapted in epic ballads as a part of the folk tradition. This tradition was spread by Serbian migrations over the regions in which they settled during the Ottoman period. At the beginning, it contributed to the feelings of ethnic unity of the Serbs and, later, to their affiliation with their modern nation.

From the day of their conversion to Christianity the South Slavs celebrated St. Vitus' Day, dedicated to an Italian saint from Lucania. The conservative peasant community for centuries preserved customs related to the pagan god Svevid or Vid, the Slavic name for St. Vitus. According to Milan Milicevic, in the 1880's peasant girls would soak the herb "vidovica" in water and wash their faces with it. However, the Battle of Kosovo, which took place on the saint's day, gave another meaning to it. According to peasants's belief, the rivers will turn red on Vidovdan, colored by the blood of fallen heroes at Kosovo. After the battle, Kraljevic Marko fell asleep to wake up on the day when Kosovo will be avenged. In Montenegro women wore black scarves around their heads and the men's caps were embroidered with black for mourning the Vidovdan Kosovo Battle. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Serbian Church marked Vidovdan with red letters in religious calendars.

Seeded in the people's mind through being chanted by peasant bards, whose poems Vuk Karadzic collected, the Vidovdan message was further modified and adapted to contemporary needs of the modern epoch. Historians and intellectuals referred to the cult of Vidovdan in transforming the instinctive popular national feelings into modern, mass nationalism. Supported by the Church, the leaders of the gradually developing Serbian statehood in the 19th century offered their support to the Vidovdan legacy.

Although Karadjordje appeared in the popular mind as the avenger of Kosovo, the leadership of the 1804 Serbian uprising extolled the medieval state tradition and the cult of Stefan, the First Crowned King. It symbolized the ascendancy of statehood, while Kosovo meant its collapse. The tragic defeat suffered in 1813 invigorated the memory of the sacrifice of 2 central figures of the Vidovdan myth: the martyrdom of Prince Lazar and the heroic regicide of Milos Obilic. During the reign of the Obrenovici (1815-1842), the accent was placed on the 1815 uprising, while the cult of the previous 1804-1813 movement was deliberately neglected. Along with the further consolidation and organization of the Serbian state, as well as through the extension of the Serbian national program, the legacy of Emperor Dusan the Mighty was brought into focus. Garasanin's Nacertanije, written in 1844, quoted the crucial effects of the Kosovo Battle, but found the country's future in the restoration of the pre-Kosovo Serbian state tradition. Both Serbian dynasties, the Obrenovici and Karadjordjevici, presented themselves as heirs and successors of medieval rulers. The later organized political parties, during the last decades of the century, modified the Vidovdan message according to their ideological and political polarizations. The conservatives remembered Prince Lazar's oath on the eve of Vidovdan, which called for unity. Domestic political dissent caused, according to them, the 1389 defeat. On the contrary, the liberals referred to the democratic resistance of the people, to the message of the Mother Jugovic and the servant Goluban, and the popular struggle for freedom.

Whatever the pragmatic approach to the Kosovo message might be, Vidovdan continued to be commemorated by the public at large. As a writer from Vojvodina described its influence, "... the cult of Kosovo heroes was presented to children at Christmas, at the slava, and was quoted in proverbs and curses."

The Church took the leading role in organizing Vidovdan commemorations during the first decades of the century. Ecclesiastical calendars presented Vidovdan as the "Emperor Lazar's Day," mentioning St. Vitus only additionally. Vidovdan was dedicated to the day of "national grievance and repentance." Vidovdan was considered in general as the day of national mourning. Later on, during the last decades of the century, the churches were on Vidovdan draped in black, black flags were put out on houses, national standards were at half-mast, and invitations for the commemoration were printed with black margins.

The cult of Vidovdan blossomed during the period of romanticism in the 1850's and 1860's. Formed in 1847, the Society of Serbian Youth chose Vidovdan for the founding day when "our heroic forefathers sacrificed themselves for freedom." A founding member made the inflammatory appeal: "Do we will, can we, do we dare to go to Kosovo!" Historians of the romanticist school idealized the past. Portraits of Kosovo warriors were reproduced and displayed in peasant and urban homes. Vidovdan became the major topic in literature, dramatic arts, and paintings. Student associations glorified the sacrifice of their ancestors, which culminated in the national euphoria of the Omladina in the 1870's.

While the Church, the youth, and the nationalistic public were commemorating Vidovdan, the state authorities were forced to take a cautious attitude. Until 1878, Serbia was in a vassal relationship with the Ottoman Empire. The international status of Serbia was fragile, which was manifested during the Crimean War, national upheavals during the 1860's, and the eruption of the Eastern Crisis in 1875. Until 1867, Turkish nizams were still patrolling the streets of Belgrade, while the pasha was residing in the city's fortress. Serbian governments were involved in underground revolutionary activities aiming toward the liberation and unification of Serbs then under Habsburg and Ottoman rule. However, to openly and officially organize celebrations and commemorations of a battle in which the Serbs fought the Turks and 1 of their knights assassinated the sultan would be an affront to the Ottoman suzerain. The first public celebration of Vidovdan took place in the Beograd reading room in 1847. But when in 1851 state officials participated in the organization of Vidovdan festivities, the Ottomans protested vehemently and the Serbian government had to fire the incriminated officials. In 1865, when invited to write the text for the Serbian national anthem, the poet Jovan Jovanovic-Zmaj from Novi Sad was explicitly warned from Belgrade not to mention Vidovdan, in regard to the Turkish reaction. With the consolidation of the Serbian international position and the 1878 recognized independence, the situation improved, although the constant threat of Ottoman reactions was present until the 20th century. In 1882, when Serbia was proclaimed a kingdom, King Milan was named "The First Crowned King After Kosovo." In that moment references to the past were mainly used for domestic political purposes.

During the 19th century, Vidovdan was com-memorated among Serbs in the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires, under the watchful eye of the respective authorities, sensitive to the outburst of Serbian national feelings. The Vidovdan cult was the strongest in Vojvodina, due to the advanced Serbian community and the role which the Church played in it. Especially after the revolutionary days of 1848, Vidovdan was remembered at church gatherings, popular fairs, and youth festivals as a token of national solidarity, pride, and self-confidence. From 1869 the Orthodox calendars in Bosnia dedicated Vidovdan as the day of "Emperor Lazar, Patriarch Yephremos, and the Martyr Vitus." When the 1875 uprising started in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the call addressed to peasants to join the movement quoted almost verbatim Prince Lazar's oath on the eve of Vidovdan 1389.

Vidovdan found its place in the formative stage of the Yugoslav movement in Croatia. In 1840 the day was celebrated by students of the Zagreb seminary. Danica Ilirska, the journal of the Illyrian movement, published Kosovo epic poems. Its leader, Ljudevit Gaj, wrote in 1853 a series of essays on Vidovdan. On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Kosovo Battle in 1889 a solemn session of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts was held in Zagreb, with speeches by the 2 most prominent Croatian scholars:Franjo Racki and Toma Maretic. At the beginning of the 20th century, the world-famous Croatian sculptor Ivan Mestrovic designed the "Vidovdanski Hram" (St. Vitus Temple). It was never realized, although the most important figures from the Kosovo epic were already made in marble in 1908. Mestrovic's artistic vision was the greatest glorification of Vidovdan ever attempted.

The memory of Vidovdan was kept alive among the Serbs in the Ottoman Empire. The Orthodox seminary in Prizren, founded in 1871, became the nursery of the Vidovdan cult. The students association, "Rastko," named after St. Sava's lay name, commemorated Vidovdan in order to promote national propaganda, and was exposed to the constant pressure of the Ottoman-Albanian hostile environment.

The outburst of Serbian national dynamism at the dawn of the 20th century further enlivened the cult of Vidovdan. To "avenge Kosovo" became the slogan of the day. Among the Serbian and Montenegrin war aims in the 1912 war, the priority was to reconquer and liberate Kosovo. As a result, the campaign had the character of a holy war. After the victory, students and citizens visited the Kosovo monasteries. Visits were scheduled mainly on Vidovdan to attend the solemn service in Gracanica. It was there in 1914 that a group of students from Sarajevo learned the news of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. There is no doubt that Gavrilo Princip, planning the regicide, was greatly influenced by the aura of deity which the Bosnian nationalistic youth assigned to Milos Obilic, as well as by Vidovdan, the day when the Austrian crown prince visited the Bosnian capital.

The Vidovdan cult reappeared again during World War I, when the Serbian army retreated to Kosovo, on its exodus to the Adriatic shores. In that dramatic moment the flamboyant Vojvoda Misic proposed a counter-offensive from Kosovo, imbued with the same Vidovdan alternative to win or to perish.

Vidovdan was celebrated in British schools during the war. The 3rd detachment of volunteers from the United States embroidered on their flag "Vidovdanski borci iz Amerike," [Vidovdan Warriors from America] and a group of volunteers on the Salonika front took the name "Vidovdanski borci." [Vidovdan Warriors]

During the century from 1889 until 1989, celebrations of centenaries of the Kosovo Battle mirrored the spirit of the people and the needs of the times in which they lived. In 1889, on the occasion of the 500th anniversary commemoration, Serbia was facing the crisis caused by the domestic struggle for constitutionalism and parliamentarism, the victory of liberalism enacted by the 1888 Constitution, followed by the abdication of King Milan and the succession to the throne of his minor son, Alexander. The popular and official celebration of Vidovdan 1889 had, besides the national cause, the desire to consolidate the shaken dynasty and to strengthen the new liberal regime. On Vidovdan, June 15th (by the old calendar) a solemn requiem to the Kosovo warriors was held in Krusevac, the ancient capital of Prince Lazar, and the foundation of the monument dedicated to the Kosovo martyrs was laid. In the following days the young King Alexander was anointed in the Zica Monastery as "the first anointed Serbian king after Kosovo." The anniversary was celebrated in Montenegro, Vojvodina, and other parts where Serbs Iived.

In 1939, 50 years later, the 550th anniversary of Vidovdan was commemorated in the atmosphere of the coming crisis and under the stormy clouds which announced to Europe the outbreak of World War II. Requiems of Vidovdan in Gracanica, both Monasteries of Ravanica in Resava and Srem, as well as the 2 Lazarica Churches in Krusevac and Dalmatia, were held in the presence of the representatives of the government and the army, the military, and national societies. They delivered the message to the expected invader: "Niti cemo se pokoriti, niti ukloniti!" ("We shall neither submit, nor yield!")

The Serbian people, faithful to their historical legacy, paid dearly for this commitment during the World War II. Under the new Communist regime imposed after the end of the war, public and official commemorations of Vidovdan were not allowed, and the Vidovdan memory was intentionally swept under the carpet. The only organization which kept it alive for more than 40 years was the Serbian Orthodox Church. However, the destruction of the historical legacy proved to be an illusion. The national revival of the Serbs, subjected to an artificial "national symmetry" in the Yugoslav multinational state, which divided them and deprived them of authority over their own territory, erupted like a volcano in recent years. The Vidovdan message became resurrected as a cornerstone in Serbian history. As happened in centuries past, the cults of St. Sava and Kosovo became again the cement to unify the nation in the struggle for national and human rights. On the eve of Vidovdan 1989 the splendid, new Church of Saint Sava was consecrated in Belgrade, and the next day over one-and-a-half million Serbs from all over the country attended the 600 years requiem to the Kosovo martyrs in Gracanica, as well as the official ceremony in Gazimestan, where the 1389 Battle took place. Popular gatherings in Romanija (Bosnia) and Knin (Croatia) followed. Scholarly symposia in Belgrade, Sarajevo, and other places dealt with the historical importance of the 1389 Battle for the Serbs, Yugoslavs, the Balkans, and Europe.

The historical heritage has a double meaning: that of fiction and that of reality. It mirrors the past and projects the future. The Vidovdan message was and is for the Serbs, wherever they live, a token of their past and present destinies.

Dimitrije Djordjevic



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me atheroesofserbia@yahoo.com

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